organizations we support
Samaritan center
Samaritan Center is a nonprofit 501c3, interfaith effort of community members committed to serving the hungry and those in need in order to promote their welfare dignity and self-sufficiency.
It is rooted in the belief that sound nutrition is the first step in enabling people to cope and become productive, self-sufficient members of society.
Young Lives
YoungLives mentors show they care by going where kids are, meeting them as they are, and believing in who they can be.
YoungLives clubs are regular gatherings with parenting teenagers and mentors with the support of childcare workers and various community help. Clubs meet around the world offering fun, laughter, encouragement and an inspirational message. Other YoungLives activities may include Bible study, group outings and life skill instruction.
Sleep in heavenly peace
We fully believe that a bed is a basic need for the proper physical, emotional, and mental support that a child needs. When it was brought to our attention that the need for beds went far beyond our own neighborhoods, we stepped up and took initiative. We’re a national organization answering the call to a national problem.