Hope in the Power of Love

“And I began to weep bitterly because no one was found worthy to open the scroll or to look into it.” Revelation 5:4

Weeping is the correct response if the story arch of our world is unaltered. We continue to lack a complete answer for the evil, pain, and brokenness that wreak havoc on our lives. Cancer, broken relationships, and financial crisis represent a handful of the topics I saw in people's lives just last week. Never mind the local and global issues that swirl for all of creation. If no one can open the story and rewrite it, we are without hope.

Some like to believe that everything will be right if we can make enough progress. This belief assumes humanity has all answers and can conquer evil. History has demonstrated these assumptions to be wrong.

Conversely, some like to imagine returning to a former time when everything was great. This falls short because it’s a false version of the past. It wasn’t without its problems and injustices. This is like Israel pining for slavery in Egypt because the food was so good!

Progress or return is not enough; we need a new story. 

Our hope is that the one who can open the scroll can rewrite the story of the world through sacrificial love. The Lion of Judah demonstrates its power as a sacrificial lamb (Rev. 5:5-6). The power of love, not unbridled power, is what rewrites the story of the world.

The best of motherhood offers us an analogy to this. Mothers transform their families and their community not through omniscient power but the power of sacrificial love. Thank you to all the moms out there who demonstrate their power through sleepless nights, forgiveness, and sacrifice. We are grateful!

We understand power differently when we realize that our hope is in the power of love. Power is something that serves, not enslaves. This is a good principle for us to remember and ask ourselves, is power serving or being served? Leaders, institutions, ideology, and dreams all go awry when power is used to require servanthood. 

I remember weeping in the theater the first time I saw Frozen. I had been distracted by the romantic love story of Anna and Kristoff. I did not see the beautiful end coming, in which Anna would sacrifice herself for Elsa and, in turn, rewrite the story for everyone.

John was weeping because the story of the world seemed hopeless. But the one who was and is and is to come has transformed everything through the power of love!

“Worthy is the Lamb that was slaughtered to receive power and wealth and wisdom and might and honor and glory and blessing!” (Rev 5:12) 

Kyle Pipes

Kyle is the pastor at Grace Community Church and owns KP Consulting & Coaching.


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