Take It Easy

As you head into your fall season, remember these three life-changing truths. You have all the time you need; love is the ultimate reality; living is required to find life.

Fall might be more of a new beginning than the new year. Whether you send kids back to school or not, your rhythms change as everyone settles into their non-summer way of life. This next season will have a full array of human experiences, including joy, disappointment, boredom, weariness, laughter, and delight. In moments of fatigue and challenge, remember that Jesus promises rest for your soul.

“Come to me, all you that are weary and are carrying heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me; for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.  For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.” (Matthew 11:28-30)

You have all the time you need

Nothing makes us crave rest quite like the busyness of American life. Sometimes we wear our busyness like a badge, as though it makes us special, despite the reality it breaks us down. We resonate with the words from the Steve Miller Band, “time keeps on slippin’, slippin’, slippin’, into the future.” We feel the shortness of time and the pressure to get more done. When you are faced with this challenge, remember that the rest Jesus offers you is having plenty of time. There’s not a shortage of time in God’s eternal kingdom. You have all the time you need to enter the infinite now that sits right before you and the wonder of existence itself.

Love is the ultimate reality

Jesus is and has revealed God to be gentle and humble. During the stress, pressure, and disappointment that comes, take a breath and let the gentleness of God wash over you. Our world tends to operate on performance, power, and pride. At their extremes, these drive anxiety and separation from one another. Jesus’ yoke is easy because it’s not like the performance-driven yoke of the Pharisees or the power-driven yoke of Rome. Experience God’s gentle and humble ministry that draws you to the ultimate reality of love. Feel God’s love for you and reflect it to others. No matter your circumstance, you can find rest in this.

Living is required to find life

There will be moments when you are tempted to check out and hide; this is healthy as a short-term solution but is no way to live your life. Jesus tells us to learn from him. We learn that Jesus finds and gives life by entering the world and not running away from it. You, too, will find life by entering the world and living in it, discovering your story and God’s story. It may wear you down at times, but Jesus will be faithful to offer you rest through grace that releases us from the bondage of time, gives us encounters with love, and assures us that even death no longer prohibits life.

Kyle Pipes

Kyle is the pastor at Grace Community Church and owns KP Consulting & Coaching.


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Faith is Embracing a Relational Story